Desert Willow tree grows to be 15' - 25' feet in height and has a spread of about 10' at full maturity. This tree grows at a medium growth rate. (13-24" of growth per year) and does well in full sun. The Desert Willow grows in acidic, alkaline, drought tolerant, loamy, sandy, well drained, wide range, clay soils(perfect for Arizona desert trees) and cannot grow in wet or heavy soils. The Desert Willow has a rounded, spreading or horizontal shape. The leaves are long dark green leaves. The blooms are fragrant and pink and it flowers from late spring into fall through the summer. It produces a ten-inch long seed-pod that persist throughout the winter. The Desert-willow requires little maintenance and produces flowers at peak season. It should be grown in full sun and is extremely drought-tolerant. While the trees will grow better with adequate moisture, they will not tolerate over-watering. The multi-trunked, well branched habit of growth and thick growth make Desert-Willow well suited for a wide screen or tall hedge. Groups can be planted in a large-scale landscape for a splash of color. The seeds of the Desert Willow are eaten by wildlife and the flowers often attract hummingbirds. It can provide a nesting site for desert birds and ground cover for other animals. The branches of the Desert-willow have been used to make thatch roofs. This tree resembles a willow in appearance, but is not related.
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