Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer Gardening Tips August

Fertilize roses less often and moisten soil to a about 1 foot when watering during the extreme summer heat. Water in the morning to prevent disease so the leaves will be dry in the evening.

Mulch and water landscape plants that product ornamental berries in the fall. If you water properly no, you will have a full set of fruit by fall.

Prune your shrubby flowers such as Vinca to promote flower growth in the fall. Cut the stems back to just above where a side branch emerges from the stem. Water well and fertilize.

Walk across your lawn looking for dry areas. If you can see your foot for more then a few seconds then you need to water more. Check out our watering guide for Bermuda grass blog.

For Sprinkler Repairs or adjustments, call a licensed landscape contractor.

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