Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Patio Misting System will Cool you down during summer

It is HOT out there. The only way to continue to truly enjoy your yard in the heat of the summer is to have a professionally installed patio misting system. When properly installed, these patio mist systems can dramatically reduce the temperature in your back yard or anywhere you might need a system. Misting Systems can be installed around your RV, boat, trailer, pool, golf cart, or anywhere you can imagine. Misting systems use very little water (less than half a gallon per hour for each nozzle) and are constructed and installed to last for years. Sure, you can go to a hardware store and pick up a do it yourself kit but you get what you pay for. The key is in the components used and the pump for a true fog effect.

By pressurizing water up to 1000 psi and forcing it through a specially designed mist system nozzle, billions of tiny water droplets can be created. Each droplet is smaller than the size of a grain of salt and are so light they actually suspend themselves in the air. If the water evaporates, it produces cooling up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit making it a very effective method of outdoor cooling. If the droplets are enclosed in an area such as a greenhouse, humidity levels up to 100% may be achieved. Because the droplets are so small, they have the ability to remove small particles from the air making fog systems a very effective method of dust and odor control. Misting Systems can be used within your landscape (mist-scaping) or a fog effect can be created in a pool water feature (Fog Deck). The key to the full effect is in the pump, high-quality materials, and regular maintenance.
Call for a free estimate on a professionally installed patio mist system 480-390-4477

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